Prepare Your Home For Sale Before Listing It On The Market


Deciding to sell your home is a big step that can lead to a whole new chapter of your life. It’s no secret that selling a house can be a challenging ordeal, and many people struggle for a long time to get their home off the market at a fair price. While many factors such as the housing market in your area, property values, and the realtor you work with affect your experience, there are things you can do as a homeowner that will ensure your home’s best chances of a quick and lucrative sale. 

Boosting Curb Appeal

To start, address your home’s curb appeal. You wouldn’t believe how many people attempt to sell their homes with their yards and landscaping in disarray. Your yard is the first thing people see when coming to look at your home, and it gives off the first impression they’ll have of the house. You want to make sure that this first impression is inviting, so you should ensure that your yard looks presentable. While some may prefer to do it themselves, you may decide to hire a landscaping company to do the work for you. 

Sparkling Windows

Often overlooked when selling homes is how much cleaning your windows affect the home’s overall aesthetic. Most people often forget about and neglect their windows, leaving them to fog up with condensation and grime. Potential buyers notice dirty windows quickly, making them feel that the home has not been taken care of, which gives an overall poor impression. While cleaning your windows doesn’t seem like too hard of a task, it certainly is deceptive. Many windows are hard to reach and tough to clean, which makes professional assistance a must. However, making this effort to present your home cleanly and freshly will pay dividends in return. 

A Fresh Coat

Finally, the last thing you should do to your home before selling it is to give it a fresh coat of paint. Many houses begin to fade and look older after a couple of years, and if left untreated, the siding will continue to degrade. If you want to sell your house quickly and efficiently, then apply a new layer of paint in its entirety or the areas of need. Sprucing up the paint or polishing up your home’s exterior locations that are dull, dingey, or faded will give it an updated and fresh appearance that potential buyers will notice.

SG Window Cleaning can help you get your home ready to place on the market. Our services are designed to meet your needs when freshening up and cleaning your home’s exterior and interior spaces. Call us today to find out how we can help you present your home at its best when you are ready to place it on the market.