Don’t Let Dirty Solar Panels Decrease Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

Don’t Let Dirty Solar Panels Decrease Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

If your home or business has solar panels, they may not be working to their full potential. Dirt, pollen, grime, and fungus may be covering your solar panels, blocking the full extent of the suns rays from getting through. While solar panels are primarily self sufficient and low maintenance, there are instances where you may need to have them cleaned.

Tilted panels have been found to require less cleaning than those that installed lying flat. Even a minimum of a five degree angle can help debris slide off of the panels before it becomes baked on by the sun. Typically, normal amounts of debris such as pollen and dirt have minimal negative impacts on solar panel efficiency. However, if the panels become badly stained with grime, they can are not able to reach their full potential.

Causes Of Solar Panel Grime

Exceptions that create conditions for solar panels to be in need of cleaning can range form bird droppings, heavy pollen seasons, and if your structure is near industrial or agricultural sites. In these instances, enough grime can be generated that your solar panels will need to be cleaned to make sure they are working properly. 

Leaves And Debris

Stuck on fall leaves and heavy snow can also wreak havoc on your solar panel systems. While the snow may melt quickly, it can cement tree leaves to the glass in its wake. These leaves remain on the glass as they break down, leaving sometimes substantial build up that blocks the suns rays.


If your home or business is located in areas that receive little rain, you may need to clean your solar panels more than those that get cleaned naturally from constant downpours. If you see a thick film accumulating on your panels or notice that their efficiency is dropping, it is time to have them cleaned.

Before You Proceed

Before you have your solar panels cleaned, it is best to contact their manufacturer to find out their recommendations and make note any possible concerns. It is recommended that you do not attempt to climb out on your roof and clean the panels yourself as the safety of yourself and your panels are primary concerns. Contacting a professional cleaning company will ensure that your panels are cleaned correctly and safely.

Call The Professionals

SG Window Cleaning provides professional cleaning services for residential and commercial solar panels that will help you keep them working at their fullest potential. When your panels have become dingy and dirty with grime, our experienced technicians can have them sparkling in the sunlight again. Don’t let dirty solar panels slow your business’s home’s energy efficiency, call SG Window Cleaning today.