Is Your Home Ready For The Holidays

Is Your Home Ready For The Holidays?

As summer is drawing to a close and cooler days approach, we are reminded that we are heading quickly into the holiday season. While it is easy to look around our rooms and pinpoint areas that need our attention, we can often overlook the exterior portions of our homes. Our home spring cleaning efforts have been overshadowed by the dust, grime, and molds of the summer, leaving our exteriors in need of another good cleaning.

Unless you are hoping to have the most authentic haunted house on the street for Halloween, you may need to grab your cleaning supplies and get to work. Fortunately, there are some areas of your home’s exterior in which you can focus your efforts that will give you the biggest bang for your buck without breaking your back.

Remove & Replace Seasonal Plants

Flowerbeds, gardens, and landscapes can use our attention as we move into cooler months. Get a jump on the season by tending to your landscaping early, making way for all of the holiday decorations and entertaining to come. Pulling overgrown weeds and trimming down shrubs and plants will have your outdoor areas looking good as new and ready to host family and friends.

Power Wash The Siding

Summer means hot, sticky, moist air that is the perfect environment in which molds and mildews to live. These nuisance fungi can thrive in the heat and quickly spread over large parts of your home’s siding and exterior parts. To make fast work of removing these undesirable squatters, power washers blast the unsightly debris without damaging the integrity of your home. For extra tough spots, add a little fungicide solution to your power washer and the mold should be discouraged from growing back too quickly.

Clean Your Windows Inside & Out

It is amazing how quickly our windows can become clouded with dirt and grime. Typically we become so accustomed to their look that we don’t even notice it until we have guests over and then it, unfortunately, becomes apparent. Instead of breaking your back trying to keep all of the windows in your home crystal clear, consider hiring a professional team to do the dirty work. SG Window Cleaning provides window cleaning services designed to meet your needs and budget. What better way to always be ready for guests than to know your windows are sparkling clean!

Be ready for the holidays ahead with a welcoming and clean home. You will be glad you got to work now so that you can relax and enjoy all that the rest of this year has to offer.