The Top Reasons to Clean Your Gutters Regularly

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Cleaning and clearing the gutters and downspouts on your house is an essential part of regular home maintenance. When you do this or hire a professional service to handle this, it can help prolong the life of your roof, siding, and windows. Most experts recommend investing in gutter cleaning services two to three times per year. This varies based on the foliage and trees close to your home. 

If you aren’t sure that cleaning your gutters is necessary, keep reading. Some of the top reasons this is an essential service can be found here. 

Roofing Damage 

It is important for rainwater to flow from the base of your roof to the gutters and down the provided channel. If your gutters are clogged and rainwater begins to pool inside, then water will collect at the base of your roof. This is going to cause damage to the shingles, which may result in the formation of cracks. Cracks in your roof may cause leaks inside your home, which leads to even more damage. By investing in regular gutter cleaning, you can avoid these issues completely. 

Flooded Basement

If you have ever dealt with basement flooding, you know how annoying the issue can be. A common cause of this is clogged gutters. When rainwater overflows from your gutters and begins to pool at the base of your home, right above your basement, this is when issues arise. As time passes, the foundation will start to wear down, and the collected water will start leaking into your basement. Over time, this will cause mildew and mold growth, destroy carpet and paint, and harm any furniture you have in your basement. 

Damage to Your Foundation 

Rainwater can flood or destroy your basement. It may also destroy your home’s foundation. If your home’s foundation is not stable, it means your home is not safe to live in. Also, having a home’s foundation repaired is expensive. However, if you don’t invest in this type of repair, it will eliminate your ability to sell your home down the road. When you keep your gutters clean and flowing-free, it means that you don’t have to worry about foundation issues caused by this issue. 

Issues with Pests

Insects and rodents love still, sitting water. If rainwater remains in your gutter system for too long, then the gutter is going to begin to attract termites, mosquitos, rats, and other pests close to your home. The issue will continue to get worse if pests make it into your home by way of the gutter system. If you invest in regular, professional gutter cleaning, you can eliminate the possibility of an insect or rodent problem caused by standing water. 

As you can see, there are more than a few reasons you should invest in professional gutter cleaning services. Keep the information here in mind, which will help you see why this is a smart way to spend your money. Protecting your home is possible, and clean gutters will help with this.